Pitsch incorporates into the installation ‘all that is lovely and fine’, a grouping of similarly altered materials. On one small shelf, floral shapes melt into a heap under lurid gold luster (all that glitters). Their gleam is echoed in ‘is this enough’ (wooden pallet), a found wood pallet that Pitsch covered in gold leaf and propped on the wall like an icon. Rather than looking cobbled together, the pallet, cardboard, and artificial flowers are united by their elevating journey through porcelain, glaze, gold leaf, and luster. This whiplash between the cheap source materials and costly, technically exacting techniques is itself a mirror of the discourse between Europe and Asia in the history of porcelain production, and it asks us to consider how taste and value can be functions of context and material.
— Olivia J. Kiers, Worcester Art Museum

baby blocks


Song cinder blocks